Omo... MM really Pretty wear Hanbok...
Happy know MM greets Chuseok to us ^_^
Wish we all get happiness and have a wonderful day with the people we love, expecially for our MM ^_^
This is MM's Greets:
배우 정소민은 바쁜 한때를 보내고 있다. 6개월 동안 달려온 MBC 일일 시트콤 '스탠바이' 촬영을 최근 마무리하고 종합편성채널 JTBC 새 미니시리즈 '우리가 결혼할 수 있을까'에 합류했다.
명절후유증 '캐치미'와 날려요
# Jeongsomin
The actors are having a busy time jeongsomin Six months running over MBC daily sitcom 'standby' new comprehensive programming channel JTBC mini-series '' Can we get married in the recently finished shooting and were joined.
Being a forced march of relentless shooting sports wearing a hanbok for Chuseok greetings for Korean readers he said.
"Hello, Sports Korea Dear Readers, In the meantime, I hope that a lot of unfinished stories together for a long time with the busy family who neglect a lot of delicious food and rest in peace." Have a happy holiday!
festive aftereffects 'Catch Me' and blow.
Happy know MM greets Chuseok to us ^_^
Wish we all get happiness and have a wonderful day with the people we love, expecially for our MM ^_^
This is MM's Greets:
배우 정소민은 바쁜 한때를 보내고 있다. 6개월 동안 달려온 MBC 일일 시트콤 '스탠바이' 촬영을 최근 마무리하고 종합편성채널 JTBC 새 미니시리즈 '우리가 결혼할 수 있을까'에 합류했다.
쉼 없는 촬영 강행군 중인 그가 스포츠한국 독자들을 위해 한복을 입고 추석 인사를 전했다.
"안녕하세요, 스포츠한국 독자 여러분. 그 동안 바빠서 소홀했던 가족들과 오랜 만에 모여서 못다한 이야기도 많이 하고 맛있는 음식도 많이 드시길 바랄게요. 행복한 명절 보내세요!"
# Jeongsomin
The actors are having a busy time jeongsomin Six months running over MBC daily sitcom 'standby' new comprehensive programming channel JTBC mini-series '' Can we get married in the recently finished shooting and were joined.
Being a forced march of relentless shooting sports wearing a hanbok for Chuseok greetings for Korean readers he said.
"Hello, Sports Korea Dear Readers, In the meantime, I hope that a lot of unfinished stories together for a long time with the busy family who neglect a lot of delicious food and rest in peace." Have a happy holiday!
festive aftereffects 'Catch Me' and blow.
*PS: Sorry if the translate not good because i just use google trans only ^^